web, internet, intranet, extranet, sistemas, software, soluções web, e-business, comércio eletrônico, B2C, B2B, desenvolvimento, tecnologia da informação, TI, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, SP, .net, java, asp, html

We Are M7
We are a Digital Communication Agency, focused on brand experience, looking for the excellence in development and greater interactivity possible in our projects.

About Us
The application of systems in small and medium-sized enterprises has increased significantly according to the need to implement, facilitate and / or organize various jobs in their respective segments.

With this objective M7 COMUNICAÇÃO comes to the market to offer the best in digital communication and development of automated solutions.

We offer customized solutions for every type of business, taking full advantage of existing technology and reconciling them with the new requirements demanded by the market.

Using a cutting-edge technology and relying on highly skilled professionals, M7 COMUNICAÇÃO will provide all resources for the technology your company works with quality, safety and efficacy.

Take a tour of our site and see how the M7 INTERACTIVE can help you and your company.


We develop websites based on concepts drawn from the profile of each customer and their particularities. Thus each site becomes unique not only in its design but also its system is based on your specific needs.
Your company sells products? Recently launched a promotion? Use email marketing! We develop the art to your email marketing according to specifications sent by the client!
The Hotsites are digital projects that term is defined serving and most have few internal pages.
With M7 COMMERCE, we develop your e-commerce fully customized, involving Digital Marketing strategies online with defined business strategies aligned to your business.
We are a mobile development lap based. We build mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms.
We develop campaigns on social media to increase your presence in the market the amount of friends and fans, all to strengthen the bonds between you and your target audience.


We want to hear you!
Fill out the form below and We return ASAP.






M7 Comunicação - Rua do Imperador, 904/205 - Centro - Petrópolis - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
+55 (24) 2242-1497 / +55 (24) 8838-7606